Country Name: Kingdom of Cambodia
Motto: Nation – Religion – King
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Land Area: 181,035 sq km (69,898 sq miles)
Population: 14.8 million
Capital: Phnom Penh
Major language: Khmer, secondarily English and French
Major religion: Theravada Buddhism (97%), ethnic Vietnamese, ethenic Chinese, Cham, several hill tribes in the northeast
Life expectancy: 55 years (men), 59 years (women)
Monetary unit: 1 riel= 100 sen
GNI per capita: US$320 ( World Bank 2005)
Main exports: Clothing, timber, rubber
Internet domain: .kh
International dialling code: +885
Country name: Union of Myanmar ( Burma became Myanmar in 1989 after the State Law and Order Restoration Council)
Land Area: 676,552 sq km (261,218 miles)
Population: 50.7 million (UN 2005)
Capital: Rangoon (Yangon)
People: 65% Burmese, 10% Shan, 7% Karen, 4% Rakhine ans Chin, Kachin, Mon, Chinese, Indian and Assamese minorities
Major languges: Burmese, indigenous ethnic languages
Major religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam
Life expectancy: 54 years (men), 60 years (women)
Monetary unit: 1 kyat= 100 pyas
Main exports: Teak, pulses and beans, brawns, fish, rice, opiates
International domain: .mm
International dialling code: +95
Country name: Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Land area: 236,800 sq km (91,400 sq miles)
Population: 5.9 million
Capital : Vietian
Major languages: Lao, French
Major religion: Theravada Buddhism (60%)
Ethonic Groups: Lao Loum- lowlanders, Lao Theung  - seminomadic mountain dwelllers, Lao Sung – hill tribes and monorities
Life expectancy: 53 years (men), 56 years (women)
Monetary unit: 1 new kip= 100 ath
Main exports: Clothing, timber products, coffee
Internet domain: .la
International dialling call: + 856
Population: 25.3 million
Capital: Kuala Lumpur
Land area: 329,844 sq km (127,355 sq miles)
Major languages: Malay (official), English, Chinese dialects, Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam
Mayjor religions: Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism,Christianity, Sikhisim
Life expectancy: 71 years (men), 75 years (women)
Monetary  unit:  1 ringgit= 100 sen
Main exports: Electronic equipment, petroleum and liquefied natural gas, chemicals, palm oil, wood and wood products, rubber and textiles
GNI per capita: US$650 ( World Bank 2005)
International domain: .my
International dialling code: + 60
Country name: Royal Kingdom of Thailand
Population: 64.1 million ( UN, 2005)
Capital: Bangkok
Land Area: 513,115 sq km ( 198,115 sq miles)
Main language: Thai
Main religion: Buddhism
Life expectancy: 66 years ( men), 74 years ( women)
Monetary unit: 1 bath = 100 satangs
Main export: Food, love animals, official equipment, textiles and clothing, rubber
GNI per capital: US$ 2,540 ( WB, 2005)
International domain: .th
International dialling: + 66
Country name: Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Population: 83.6 million ( UN, 2005)
Capital: Hanoi
Land area: 329,247 sq km ( 127,123 sq miles)
Mayjor language: Vietamese
Mayjor religion: Buddhism
Ethonic minorities: 54 minorities, Viet (King) people making the majority of 87%
Life expectancy: 68 years ( men), 72 years (women)
Monetary unit: 1 dong = 100 xu
Main exports: Clothing, petroleum, footwear, rice, pepper, coffee, seafood
GNI per capita: US$550 ( World Bank, 2005)
Internet domain: .vn
International dialling: +84
The Mekong is a river in Southeast Asia. It is the world's 10th-longest river and the 7th-longest in Asia.